IME & You

As a claim progresses through the claim assessment process, a claimant may be required to participate in an Independent Medical Examination (IME). IME reports are taken very seriously and the IME Doctors opinion can influence the outcome of the claim. Here you will find information regarding the IME appointment

For the Examinee

Preparing for your assessment

Please bring along any documentation or items relevant to your assessment such as:

  • Proof of ID (Drivers license or Passport)
  • Xray/CT/MRI/Readiology films and reports (if not already provided by your solicitor)
  • List of current medications
  • Prescription glasses (if necessary)
  • Wear comfortable clothing to allow, where necessary, for a physical examination of the injury.

Aim to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to allow for parking and completing the patient registration form.

If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, you need to contact your lawyers or case manager directly. Cancellations or non attendance fees may apply if the appointment is not cancelled/rescheduled with 48hrs notice.


During your appointment

Prior to your appointment, your specialist would have reviewed the documentation sent to our office by your solicitor or case manager. The specialists will need to understand how the injury occurred, the extent of your injury/illness, treatment provided to date, and how your injury affects your life. The specialist will conduct an interview, asking a range of questions to best evaluate this. Try and provide as much information with as much details as you can.

Where required, the specialist will carry out a physical examination assessing the injured area and also may conduct a generalised examination to assess your overall health. The examinations are conducted in accordance with the appropriate medical protocol and will be carried our in a respectful and professional manner. If you or your examining specialist feel necessary, a chaperone can sit in during the physical examination.

If you decline, in whole or part, the physical examination or decline to answer any of the questions during your IME appointment, this may be noted in the examining doctors report.

Our specialists are highly regarded professionals in their field of expertise and will ensure all examines are treated with dignity and respect at all times. If at anytime throughout your IME appointment you feel uncomfortable please advise your examining specialist or a member of staff.


After The Appointment

Once your appointment has finished, the specialist will prepare a report to send to your solicitor or case manager providing an impartial, evidence based assessment of your injury or illness. This will be provided within 10 business days. If you require a copy of the report, you will need to contact your solicitor or case manager directly.


If you require further information on the IME process you can view the IME Fact Sheet on the SIRA website